Friday, July 29, 2005

This is my favorite "notan" drawing because it could be a black drawing on white paper, or a white drawing on black paper. There's a balance among the forms. If you're still wondering what "notan" is, look it up, do I have to do everything?
Copyright 2005

This is a China marker drawing I did for a chili pepper powder package design.
Copyright 2005

This is one of my ink "notan" ink drawings. Usually I don't draw them as anything, but for some reason, people seem to need to put a name to things. Fine. This one is called "the Farmer."
Copyright 2005

I drew this as a study for a drawing. At first it was to be just a sketch, but I kept adding detail and blending, and well, here you go!
Copyright 2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Orbs! Sorry guys, I didn't realize you were holding a convention in my room! This picture was created by spraying a fine mist of water in front of the lens right before the shutter went off. Are orbs ghosts? I'm still not entirely sure, but these guys are just flash reflecting water molecules.
Copyright 2005

This a fuzzy little caterpillar I found in Bryant Park. I nick-named him Tuber, and let him crawl across my fingers for a few minutes. Then I put him down on some Ivy leaves.
Copyright 2005

This is a classic movement with no flash type of shot. I saved it because it looks like lightning.
Copyright 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

This is a shot of my most recent sculpture. Wouldn't it be fun the crawl around inside there? It's like the ultimate jungle gym!
Copyright 2005

This was shot for an ad campaign, so I can't claim artistic direction. I did diffuse the flash and do all the things only the photographer can do!
Copyright 2005

This is hot glue sticks in my melting pot. Add a little white, and you get this. Pretty ay?
Copyright 2005

There were some fantastic clouds this day, so I decided to capture them. For this run, I lowered the exposure so the deep hue of the sky could show through. Looks a little like a Magritte painting.
Copyright 2005

This was shot at night in Bryant park. I shot with no flash, allowing a long exposure, and I adjusted for white balance against the building lights.
Copyright 2005

Friday, July 22, 2005

This is my other piece from the Urban Heros show, called "Industry Supporting Nature."
Copyright 2005

This is what happens when your skin is subjected to glue application.
Copyright 2005

This work was made with crayons and rubbing alcohol. Use your imagination. Needless to say, everytime I use this technique, my index finger is stained red for days!
Copyright 2005

This is the "Skin Mitt" on top of a lamp to show off it's healthy shine through glow.
Copyright 2005

This is called "Skin Mitt." It was created to emulate skin, it contains veins, fat, and a dermal layer, all created using various colors and densities of hot glue. It was created on skin (my hand) and it still fits like a glove.
Copyright 2005

This is an actual 3D rendering of one of my sketches. Simply put, it's short segments joined at uneven points of three. It's about the size of a football, and unfortunately the hot glue isn't holding, so it's falling apart.
Copyright 2005

Monday, July 18, 2005

This was shot from within the "Apartment Rainforest" looking out towards my apartment. The sun you see between the trees is just the lamp in my room! This one's for Moggie.
Copyright 2005

This is a close-up of "The Hand of Death." You'll notice the high detail including skin and evil tendrils.
Copyright 2005

This is the "Hand of Death." I've been told it could also be the hand of Sauron form the Lord of the Rings. Either way, it's a particular horror I had great fun creating.
Copyright 2005

This is me with my face covered in green hot glue. It was fun to wear for awhile, but when I took it off, it was hard to tell that it was a face, so I recycled it. Good thing I took pictures for posterity.
Copyright 2005

This is one of my glue drawings. It's supposed to be a self portrait. You'll notice the scraggily beard! This was "drawn" entirely with black hot glue.
Copyright 2005

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Here are a few orbs I spotted in Grand Central. I shot this when I first started coming to New York to look for an apartment. Perhaps they were trying to tell me to stay away from Bushwick. What's that? Sorry, I don't speak Orb.
Copyright 2005

This is the RGB painting later on with more layers. What colors do you see? It's still only red, green, and blue. The color combination fools the eye into seeing other colors, just as a television does.
Copyright 2005

This is a few of my "Dirty Pennies." I currently have over two hundred. Each is hand painted in wax decoration. I hope to one day sell them on the street alongside the other street artists, I just need a table...
Copyright 2005

This is one of my glue paintings in an early stage of development, I added layers of green, and more red and blue. The resulting RGB combination results in a rainbow of color, depending on the lighting situation.
Copyright 2005

This is my sculpture called "the Apartment Rainforest." It's currently being shown at the Stacy Stewart Smith Gallery in Brooklyn, as part of the Urban Heros Show.
Copyright 2005

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Here's a picture of one of my glue explorations, clearly showing my knife scar. (In case you were harboring any doubts about my ability to slit my wrist.)
Copyright 2005

This is one of my recent sculptures. As you see, it signifies the gentle tranquility of life. Kidding of course. This is an expression of the grip of fear I experienced the day I slit my wrist (by accident.)
Copyright 2005

This is a candid shot of some of the Fashion Design students at my school. They're working on one of their final projects, and I'm just supposed to be taking yearbook pictures...
Copyright 2005

This is some church near the Hotel in Paris. Pretty neat, looks old.
Copyright 2005