Thursday, June 22, 2006

Graffiti doesn't look this nice

This is a painting I did on my friend Jennifer's wall. Posted by Picasa

It sure looks like a cloud...

Another shot from the Lower East Side, this was shot at night, without a flash. Posted by Picasa

It's not a good time to cross the street

This, like a lot of my better shots, was taken in the Lower East Side. Posted by Picasa

You can almost smell the fire...

This is nearly a product shot for Tabasco, I did in a similar style to the Poland Spring bottle I shot earlier. Posted by Picasa

The Phoenix

I painted this. True to the abstract style, it atempts to document the brilliance and power of the mythical bird. Posted by Picasa

Tree of life

This is a pretty awsome tree I captured while riding in the train to visit my folks. That's right, the train was movingPosted by Picasa

I'm Back

Remember that Cathedral in Brooklyn I shot earlier? I came back recently and the lighting was once again so dandy! Posted by Picasa

The World is Yours!

I don't usually post altered photos on this site, but I'm particularily proud of this shot, which I personally altered using Photoshop to resemble the Scarface movie poster. This is my buddy Luis, he's one of the biggest (smallest) Scarface fans I've ever met! Posted by Picasa

The Brooklyn Museum

Mother and child. This is a sculpture I particularly enjoyed viewing at the museum on a recent visit. Posted by Picasa

Waves of day

Sunset over Queens, NY. Impressive enough until you realize I shot it out the window of a car, while it was moving. Posted by Picasa

Fallen Hero

This is really a piece of trash floating in a puddle in Chinatown, but when I saw it, my immediate thought was how much it looked like a body floating on it's stomach. Posted by Picasa

I prefer a bike...

This is late day traffic in Long Island City Posted by Picasa

Some choose to photograph nature

This is the side of shoe, shot to show fine detail and texture. Posted by Picasa

Food Coloring for thought

This is a temporary tattoo I drew on my skin using food coloring. Posted by Picasa

Nearly lost my hearing...

Heading up the biggest update in ShutterSlug history is Dudes of Doom!

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