Photos taken using, or of my unique artistic vision.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I spotted this intense glow by the side of this catheral in Brooklyn. I love how it lights the snow the the sides of the buildings! Copyright 2005
Another view of the Cathedral, beautiful! Copyright 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Something textural about fences, plants and snow.
Luckily they're all going the other way.
It snowed...and it's cold...and my shoes leak. The trees look nice though.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
A big crowd...minus the people. copyright 2005
This is a spontanious arrangement of of photographs taken without order or continuity, representing a few brief moments in the Park. copyright 2005
A chimney and his small, but wise, companion. copyright 2005
There are rich textures and colors in every nook and cranny of this world, you have but to look...closely. copyright 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
This is another section of the roof where I work. Interesting pattern, I wonder how it came to be. copyright 2005
This is my boss' dog. His name is buzz. He's a very sweet little puppy who keeps us company at the office. copyright 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Stairway To Heaven pt. 2 (I was Led to these steps.) copyright 2005
Another photograph inspired by my artist friend's recent work. I'm telling you, his work is brilliant, if you get a chance to see this show, I'm sure you'll agree. copyright 2005
This photograph was inspired by the recent works of my artist friend. copyright 2005
This is a very interesting regular crack pattern that formed in the rubber on the roof of the building where I work. What caused it to crack like this? Years of sun baking? copyright 2005
This is the view from the roof at my new job in Long Island City, if you look, way off on the horizon are the sky scrapers of Manhattan. copyright 2005
Yet another Moggie-esque photo. This is a beautiful Brooklyn sunset, a fire in the sky. copyright 2005
This is a texture study I did in a subway tunnel. There's all sorts of neat cracks, substance changes and mergers, overlaid with etching by the wear of time, and of course blackened bubble gum. copyright 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
This is a doorway, through which no man has tread. Copyright 2005
Ahhh crusty, cracking, repainted, paint. Very nice texture. Copyright 2005
Stairway to Heaven (I like mine better, Moggie!) Copyright 2005
These are itty bitty clovers shot big, so you can see their saw blade-like edges. Nasty little plants, aren't they? Copyright 2005
How to create interesting negative space. Copyright 2005
Dead grass is so much more interesting Copyright 2005
Public transportaion is full of interesting angles and color, even when there's no people riding. Copyright 2005
This is a row of internal windows on the subway, beautiful if viewed like this! Copyright 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
I took this because I liked all the intersecting angles, the texture, the color, and the chaos! Copyright 2005
This is a shot of the busy LES as shot from the Niagara Bar window. Copyright 2005
This was shot in the same place as the photo booth, the Niagara Bar on the LES. Copyright 2005
I took this photo for Olivia, she'll know why (I hope.) Copyright 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
A duck shaped cloud over a mall in Baltimore. Copyright 2005
Ellicot City (the part that I could see.) Looks pretty old, doesn't it? (Except for the cars!) Copyright 2005
This is a room in the station, set as it may have appeared during the time it was used. Also proof positive that the station is haunted (see the bright yellow orb at the bottom left?) Copyright 2005
This is the entrance of the B & O Railroad Station, (remember Monopoly?) the oldest railroad in the country. Located in Ellicot City, Maryland. Copyright 2005
The port at Fells Point, and a couple of people relaxing in the sea air. Copyright 2005
Fells Point at night. Somehow, not as crowded as I expected, though parking was a nightmare. We saw a fight break out too. Copyright 2005
This is Pexcho's buddy Scott painting a tire for the show. Look, a nice personal message for the guests! Copyright 2005
This was taken simply to prove that I went to Fells Point. That's right I went there. Who's cooler than me? Nobody. (Except maybe, the people who can legitimately shop at this store.) Copyright 2005
I found this in a liquor store on Fell's Point, Scott said I should take a picture. Copyright 2005
This is a classic paddleboat docked at Fell's Point in Baltimore. I'm not sure why it's here, neat though. Copyright 2005
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
They say every picture has a story, what's this one? I invite my "readers" to invent/figure one out for this picture. Copyright 2005
This is how they photograph buildings when they finally finish building them. Like, see, I did that. Copyright 2005
They were projecting letters or something on the wall of the library, bad wall to do it though, because if it said something, no one could tell what. I like how the surrounding architecture distorts the letters. (Look at he A, or the E.) Copyright 2005
I love expressive clouds, look how ominous! Copyright 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
A pairing of two great things, Disco Spring Water! Oh oh oh staying refreshed, staying refreshed! Copyright 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
This is a chaotic white swirl of crayon in a bath of molten hot glue. Copyright 2005
This is me in Riverside Park in Harlem. Jeez, it looks like I'm being abducted by a UFO! This was also shot without a flash or tripod. How then did I shoot it? Mystical trickery! Every good photographer is also a skilled sorcerer. Copyright 2005
This shot of me was intentionally shot out-of-focus and blown out. I call it "The voice of reason." Like I'm saying, "Come on now..." and the view either fails to, or doesn't want to hear it. Copyright 2005
I'm taking a cue from Olivia and posting a few pictures of myself. This is an attempt to photo document my sinuses. Look at the size of that honker! It's one of my less than favorable Polish attributes. Copyright 2005
Can you tell how tall my friend Pablo here is? These shots were taken at slightly different angles. Copyright 2005